Quarter Midgets

Judging at Local, States and National Events

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Pidge Gill, Q.M.A. President
128 Kirtland St.
Deep River, CT 06417
Phone 860-526-1625
Fax 860-526-1625

Thursday, July 02, 1998
To:		All QMA Members through the Regional Directors
From:		QMA BOD
Subject:	Judging at Local, States and National Events

On last evenings conference call one major topic was the judging situation. It is general knowledge that the 1998 judging changes are not working as well as we had hoped. Prior to the call we had circulated some possible corrective actions. These ranged from doing nothing, to going back to last years rules. After some discussion we were reminded that regardless of the need, we (to include RDs and the BOD) are prohibited by rule 4 A on page 1 of the "new yellow" rulebook (and prior rulebooks) from making any changes to the Grands format 30 days or less before the first Grands. Therefore no changes to the rule can be considered or enacted at this time.

With this in mind and after further discussion the BOD feels that the main reason judging seems to not work is that the rule is not being implemented and enforced as written. The rule needs to be explained to all drivers AND handlers and then enforced as written. One of the most important intents of the 1998 rule is to eliminate the "gray area" of last year. The reasons that a car can be DQ'ed are very clearly listed on page 37, #11. Most of the reasons are very clear with little room for opinion (i.e. "gray area"). In other words if it happened and the judges saw it the penalty is MANDATORY, there is no room for discussion or trying to make the "penalty fit the crime". The only gray area is the word "flagrant". Perhaps this dictionary definition of flagrant will help. "Flagrant - extremely or deliberately conspicuous; notorious; shocking; obvious." Notice there is no requirement that blame be attached. Again, if the judges saw it happen THEY MUST MAKE THE CALL, regardless of the drivers intent. Involving driver intent brings in an impossible judgement decision. No human knows for sure what another person is thinking. The rule MUST be enforced as it is written and intended, and that is in a black and white fashion. Not every incident requires a call. Sometimes "stuff happens". Sometimes ALL involved cars need to be DQ'ed. (Yes, that is an option). It is a mistake to try and give a driver a "second chance". This is particularly true when another car has gone DOT. Generally all they learn is to try and get away with the technique again. By making calls according to the written rule and the intent of the rule, our drivers learn to be good drivers not just the first to the finish line at all costs. Bottom line - If a flagrant (obvious) offense occurs, the car MUST be DQ'ed. This WILL be the policy at the Grands. Do your drivers a favor and get them used to the rule before the Grands!

A couple of other notes on Judging. Video cameras or any other electronic method can not and will not be used in any judging or scoring decision or review of that decision. Remember, protests can not be considered if the reason for protest is based on what the judges saw. The judges' decision on what they saw is final! The Race Director can not overturn a judge's decision on what they saw. The Race Directors job is to act as a go between the handlers and the judges. Part of their job is to make sure that the rules are followed. Only the Race Director and the Head Scorer may approach the judges and advise them of applicable rules. Anyone else approaching the judges must be removed and possibly their car and driver DQ'ed.

The BOD is aware that no one wants to "throw a kid out". For that reason some calls are very hard to make. Just remember this in making your decisions. The more legitimate calls we make now the few calls we will have to make in the future (and the better our drivers and racing will be)!

Happy racing and see you all at the Grands.

For and with the BOD's permission,


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