Rule implementation Schedule

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Posted by Robert Kerr on August 31, 1997 at 04:16:25:

Quarter Midgets of America Rule Change Proposal 1998


Submitted By: Club Name:CQMA
City:Lansing, MI

Rules #1 Section:Rule change Schedule Page:v
Rules #4,4A,8 Section:General rules Page:1, 3

Rule Change Proposal (Preliminary)

For two reasons, I feel that it is time to re-evaluate the current QMA schedule for enforcement of new rules voted at the Annual Meeting.
First, with the new Honda class and the severe penalty for lack of compliance, it is essential that ALL members have adequate time to analyze the rules entirely and acquire or fabricate any necessary materials for compliance. Even as I write (April 12) I am trying to get clarifications from National on some of the exhaust specs which could lead to engine confiscation.
Second, based on conversations with QMA Secretary Chris Gancarz, QMA was forced to pass unapproved RCP’s to the Regional Directors pending their approval. Upon approval by all RD’s these same rules were then to be promptly passed to the local club level for immediate delivery. This procedure can only work if all RD’s vote for the rules outright. If the RD’s should over-rule any of these RCP’s the time necessary to re-write the rules could take notification past the current April 1 deadline.
Third, the current April 1 deadline is an arbitrary deadline which, while it works for many of the Northern States, falls in the middle of the Southern States seasons. The most obvious solution in my eyes would be to have the season start and end, as is the case in most sports, at our National Championships “The Grands”. To this end I would propose that all rules should be effective the first day following the final Grands event of the year.
Finally, relating to #3, For those teams who “compete” in QMA, by compete I mean those big time teams who expend large sums of money in order to qualify for the Grands, as opposed to those teams who just show up to have a fun time with the kids, It would be advantageous to have an entire 12 month period to get acclimated to the new rules and any chassis/engine peculiarities they might impose.

Rules Affected:

Rule change schedule

Rule affected:

Current Wording:
Immediate rejection or implementation via majority vote of those present.

Proposed change:
Upon achieving a Majority vote from those present the rule shall be considered passed, the rule shall then be immediately disseminated via the BOD to the general membership.
The rule shall not be enacted or enforced until the first day following the final Grands of the current racing year.

General Rules-

4 : paragraph 1
Current Rule:
All National rules or engine specification changes are to be made only at the Annual QMA Meeting with all Regional Directors present and are not to be changed until the next Annual QMA Meeting.

Proposed Change:
All National rules or engine specification changes are to be made only at the Annual QMA Meeting with all Regional Directors or their assigned representative present. All rules voted affirmatively at the Annual QMA Meeting shall become effective immediately following the last scheduled day of the final “Grands” event of the year.

4A: paragraph 2
Current Rule:
Changes applicable to any National format can be made no less than 30 days prior to the beginning date for the meet.

Proposed Change:
As all rules are published well in advance of their implementation deadline, all National events that fall after the last day of the primary scheduled dates for the final Grands event of the year will be required to comply with the new QMA rules for the competitive year. The only exception being Rain dates for Grands events which were postponed for any reason, in this event all other events shall still be in compliance with the new rules, the Grand s will however be exempted


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