Quarter Midgets

Honda 3 Piece Ring

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Pidge Gill, Q.M.A. President
128 Kirtland St.
Deep River, CT 06417
Phone 860-526-1625
Fax 860-526-1625

Saturday, September 26, 1998
To: All QMA Members
From: Steve Schmidt and Pidge Gill
Subject: Honda 3 Piece Ring

Due to the extremely limited availability of new Honda engines with the 1 piece oil ring and the severe penalties for running an illegal Honda engine the following will become effective immediately.

Either a one piece or 3-piece oil ring may be used. The oil ring must be a stock Honda oil ring listed in the Honda parts manual for this engine. The ring or rings must be used in their entirety as supplied and installed as outlined in the Honda Factory Service Manual. No mixing of components from different part numbers or styles of rings. Only "standard" size unaltered rings are allowed.

This change to the Honda engine rules will remain in effect until acted on at the 1999 QMA National Meeting.

Regional Directors and Tech Personnel should explain to the general membership that through dyno testing and track evaluation it has been proven that there is NO horsepower difference between NEW 1-piece and NEW 3-piece oil ring engines! Additionally it has been shown that there is NO gain in horsepower to be had by installing this 3-piece ring (as opposed to installing a new set of 1-piece rings) in older engines.

Steve Schmidt, National Technical Director

Pidge Gill, National President

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