Quarter Midgets

Subject: Discussions with the RD's

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Pidge Gill, Q.M.A. President
128 Kirtland St.
Deep River, CT 06417
Phone 860-526-1625
Fax 860-526-1625

March 7, 1998
From: Pidge
Subject: Discussions with the RD's

Thursday morning Greg Salisbury, RG #1 Director on behalf of all 13 of the Regional Directors, contacted me. He asked if I would agree to a conference call between Mike McCluney and the two of us so that they could explain to me the RD's position regarding 4 areas of concern. I agreed to this request (I'll listen to anyone).
The call took place Thursday evening at 8:00. The ground rules were:

I will list each area of concern and my suggested response to it.

1. The change to RCP #65. All of the hullabaloo aside, the two groups are basically in agreement. All 13 Regional Directors feel:

2. The QMA Membership Database, Mailing List etc. They all feel that this issue is the #1 issue bothering the membership. We discussed this issue and I told them that it was an important issue and that even though I felt it was solved I certainly would support a confirmation of this opinion. We agreed that between Myself, Denise and a few of the more organized regions we would attempt to verify the databases accuracy. We will attempt this in the near future and report to you all our findings. If necessary we will verify it again towards the end of the summer when everyone's name should be in the database. I don't feel anyone will have a problem with this process. I know I look forward to the help and the resolution of this nagging problem!

3. The appointment of a different Elections Auditor. The impression of the general membership is that there "is something funny" about the relationship of Bill Wilson and QMA. Right or wrong they (the membership) want a change. All of us that have dealt with Bill know that his dealings with QMA and his character are both beyond reproach. The RD's suggestion is to put the job of election audit, managing and supervision out for bid. The lowest or best bidder could then be selected. Bill would be welcome to bid. (Something tells me he won't!) This suggestion has merit and the BOD should discuss it. I agreed to get back to the RD's with the BOD's thoughts at a latter date.

4. The existence of a QMA Asset list. I had to plead ignorance. I do agree that if we have one it should be made available to the RD's. If not we should have one. I will work with Karen on this issue and report back to the BOD and the RD's.

In closing I would like to state that at no time was the process confrontational or belligerent in nature. Both groups had our respective positions on the varied issues. Unfortunately, as so often is the case through miscommunication we each had a distorted view of the others position. I feel that the three of us corrected this distorted view. To the RD's credit, and particularly Mike and Greg they opted to talk rather then act. We need more of this interaction. Please give me your views and opinions on this. I will be in touch with all of you between now and Monday.



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