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Letter of Resignation
Dick Silva

Letter to the Editor,

It is sincere regret that I hereby render my resignation as QMA National Technical Director. The problems with BOD have become intolerable to the point that I cannot function in the capacity I was elected to do. I would like to explain some of the issues that about this decision. These issues follow:

Novice Honda:

When the situation came up over the confiscation of Novice Honda engines, I felt we were not helping the sport to grow. Novice is not considered a racing class. Q.M.A. says Novice is a training class and in my 30 years of membership in Q.M.A. we always gave a Novice a first time break at the Tech bench (that is , if a Novice engine is found to be illegal, the handler was told what was wrong and told to fix it before the next race). This has always been done with the Continentals and Decos and I felt that we should do this in the Honda Novice class also. At this point, I went to the Board of Directors with this proposal and to clarify the rule to allow this. The Board took offense to this and said that it could not be done because the Honda rules had been voted on and that also included the Novices. Pidge and I, after a lot of thought and discussion, issued a clarification of the rule which was sent to all Board members and Regional Directors. The following conference call was a "blood bath" for both Pidge and myself. Even though Pidge and I researched this matter thoroughly and concluded that was the right direction to go. The Board (except Mike Tierney), felt we had done the wrong thing and they were very vocal telling us so in a very impolite manner. In the end, they begrudgingly accepted our decision.

Modified Exhaust Port Rule:

Here I want to go back to mid-1996 when I was appointed to the Board asTech Director to take Bill Edminston’s place. At that time, I was informed that the Continental and Deco Engine Tech Manual was complete except for pictures and that Bill had them, but they were never made available to me. After the new Board took office, Pidge took the responsability of getting the manual out with the help of the National Tech Commitee. In the process of getting this done, there were things deleted and added. However, the manual was finally sent out to the Regional Directors and the Board and was approved. During this time, I was asked some minor questions about some of the rules which I was able to resolve.

About two weeks before Eastern Grands, one of the major engine builders called to tell me about a problem with the Modified class Port Rule. As I am not prone to supporting special intrests, I told him he was going to have to abide by the rule as written. However, I decided to research this rule and I found that this rule had never existed before the new manual was printed. The new manual states that you cannot bore deeper than the exhaust flange side of the valve guide. I inquired to all other major engine builders and found that they all had a lot of modified engines that have been machined this way.

On the June conference call, I asked the Board to change the printed rule because none of the membership or engine builders knew anything about this new rule - and there was a mistake made and we needed to correct it. I was told by the Board in no uncertain terms, that thay would not allow the rule to be waived for this year’s Grands. End of discussion!! In the meantime, I decided something had to be done. The potential of having a large amount of engines that would have to be called illegal was great, through no fault of the handlers or thier engine builders - the childern would ultimately loose. I advised Pidge that I was going to issue a memo based on my authority as National Tech Director to call an emergency halt to this rule until after the three Grands, at which time we could vote on it or wait until the Annual meeting in January 1998 to resolve it. I knew the Board would not be happy, but I felt it was the right thing to do. At this point, I issued the memo. On the July conference call the matter was brought up and the fur hit the fan. The Board said I did not do this right way (which I did) and that they would not accept what I had done. At this point, I told the Board that I would not argue about this matter and they must make the decision to either support me or remove me from the Board. I then left the call (I hung up).

About 30 minutes later Pidge called me and told me that the Board had decided to support me because I had not changed the rule, but only temporarily suspended it until the Grands were over and they wanted me to remain on the Board. However I know for a fact that at least one Board member wanted to replace me and wanted to know who could take my place. I told Pidge that I would stay on until after the Western Grands and that I had appointed Dave Preston to be acting National Tech Director at the Eastern Grands because of my wife’s health. I felt I couldn't be that far away. I also told Pidge that I would give him my decision after the Western Grands about whether I would continue as National Tech Director.

Western Grands Decision:

I arrived at the race on August 3, 1997. I met with Dave Preston and it became obvious to me that he was acting like he was in charge of Tech here. I did not ask him to come to Western Grands because I knew I would be here and I had my Tech people set. Before I go any further, let me explain that I want to make this absolutely clear, I consider Dave a friend and a very competent Tech man. I feel the Board put Dave in a very uncomfortable position. As National Tech Director I was never consulted whether I wanted or needed Dave out here or not. Some of the Board took it upon themselves to bring Dave out here and Q.M.A. I was told paid for his trip - more wasted monies by Q.M.A., I was never consulted about this matter.

The Western Tech people as well as myself were openly criticized by one Board member. I feel that at least two and maybe three Board members were attempting to shut me out of the Parliamentary process, which they did. As National Tech Director I am an elected volunteer who should not be expected to put up with kind of treatment with all the work that needs to be done, we in QMA cannot tolerate our elected officials wasting both time and financial resources with sort of activity.

Closing Comments:

I don't know why Steve Schmit came out to Western Grands, since he could not be here for the A-Main's - the most important day of the races. I feel and it was also the general consensus of other people, that the majority of the Board come to Western Grands for more of a vacation than to run races. AQMA and Region 10 were so well organized that the Board was really needed. I cannot work enthusiastically with a few people on this Board who are attempting to manipulate the power base of the Board through initimidation. These few Board members will not allow me to do the job I was elected to do. I would also like to add that there were NO illegal engines at Western Grands. This makes me feel good because all this hard work was bginning to pay off.

For the people who supported and elected me to this position, I am very grateful. I will try and help to support this sport in a constructive way so that all the kids are racing on a level field. I will try and be here for you to help you when I can.

Your Friend,

Dick Silva

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