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To: QMA Board of Directors/Pidge Gill/All QMA Regional Directors

From: Dick Silva, QMA National Tech Director

Subj: Suspension of Modified Ports Rule (para 28, pg 8 Deco Rule Book)

Note: Drawing Not Attached

After further research of this rule change, it has become apparent that this is a much greater problem than at first suspected. This rule effects hundreds of engines. I believe that most of the engine builders acted in good faith when they performed this machining operation. At the time there was nothing in the QMA Rulebook that would indicate that this procedure was illegal.

Further, upon inspection, the discovery of these Mod ports at a Region 10 States Race indicates that these engines are in the hands of handlers who are totally unaware of this problem.

I have polled the National Tech Board and they are all in favor of suspension of this rule until we can investigate this further and make our recommendations to the QMA Board of Directors and the National Membership. Since this rule was never published or made known to the National Tech Committee and I feel that this is an unenforcable rule, it was a mistake to print this rule in the book without the prior knowledge of the Membership. I feel that this rule will have a huge negative impact, both financial as wll as changing peoples plans to attend the Grand Nationals.

Based on the above stated reasons, I am, at this time, going to use my vested powers as QMA National Tech Director and as of this date suspending the implementation of this rule.

I feel that this action had to be taken based on the fact that there is just not enough time to handle this before the Grand Nationals. In the meantime, the QMA Board of Directors and the QMA Regional Directors can decide to let the emergency injuction stand until the next Annual Meeting or address the issue as an emergency rule change in mid-term.

In my opinion, this rule is unfair to our membership and it is unenforcable. There are just too many engines out there that have had this procedure done to them. I don't think the Board realized the extent of this problem. The Board of Directors have expressed their desire not to change this rule, but in fairness to all the membership, the Board must realize that a mistake has been made and help resolve this matter quickly.

Good racing,

Dick Silva
QMA National Tech Director

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